Ever wonder how Kelly Rowland and Lala Vazquez hooked up and became BFFs? Get the back-story from Lala Vazquez herself! Continue reading below to find out from Lala how she and Kelly became besties…
LALA ON KELLY: “I did one of Destiny’s Child’s first interviews on radio. [Kelly and I] exchanged numbers and our friendship kept getting closer. We talk about girl stuff, TV shows, guys, work and my son. Kelly is totally a kid person so she always wants to do Kiyan activities. Her idea of a perfect day is getting a book and a towel and lay out on the beach all day. I’m like, ‘This is not fun to me. It’s too hot.’ There’ve been lots of secrets shared [but] there’s never been an issue of trust.”
KELLY ON LALA: “LaLa is just real, period, and I think that’s why so many people fall in love with her. She doesn’t feed you any bullsh*t. She’s very straightforward and a sweetheart. I trust her with anything, be it personal or professional. La is so motherly. That’s one of the reasons we click. If I need someone to talk to I know she’s always there. Doesn’t matter if it’s 3 in the morning, if Kiyan is screaming. I just want a great friend. It’s not about what they do or what industry they’re in.”
Source: VIBE