Yesterday morning (Mon. Jul 12)  Whoppi Goldberg, co-host of The View, took command of a debate the women were having about Mel Gibson‘s most recent racist comments and defended Gibson against statements that he is a racist. She also blamed his 2006 anti-Semitic tirade on alcohol and said he couldn’t be a racist.

Goldberg took up for Gibson saying:

“I don’t like what he did here, but I know Mel and I know he’s not a racist… He may be a bonehead… I have had a long friendship with Mel… You can say he’s being a bonehead but I can’t sit and say that he’s a racist having spent time with him in my house with my kids. I can’t say it and so I really just need to say that. I don’t like what he’s done. Make no mistake…”

None of the other panelists seemed to agree with Goldberg though, and many are wondering why she would choose to defend him. Check out the video footage below!

Your thoughts? Do YOU think Mel Gibson is a racist?

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