Yesterday (Jul. 12) Lady Gaga was pictured playing a piano once owned by the late John Lennon, a founding member of the iconic Pop super group The Beatles. No big deal, right? Wrong! When Sean Lennon posted the picture of Gaga playing on his dad’s piano (given to his mother Yoko Ono as a gift) Beatles fans were outraged and caused a stir, which prompted him to delete the seemingly harmless Twitpic.
Later, Sean stood up for Gaga and insisted his father would approve. He tweeted:
“Pianos meant are to be played. Why is everyone so uptight? What should we do, lock it away in a dusty room? So judgmental…Firstly, he gave that piano to my mother for her birthday, it is hers, secondly, he was not uptight the way you seem to be…Come on, lighten up … life’s too short, there’re enough real problems in the world.”
via Sean Lennon's Twitter
We agree with Sean 100%. Let’s enjoy the photo for what it’s worth and move on because it’s definitely NOT that serious. There’s hundreds of thousands of barrels of oil in the Gulf of Mexico for Christ sake! Geez…