The saga continues concerning the death of Gary Coleman and his wacky ex wife Shannon Price, who has caused an uproar after selling photos of her posing with Gary as he lay dying in a coma. And since then, there’s been a lot of chatter as to what would happen to his body and how he would be memorialized. Now, several media outlets are reporting that Coleman’s body has been cremated and his family and ex wife were notified 4 hours after the procedure was done.
So what Shannon Price think about this?
As you can expect, she was pissed with that fact that she didn’t a chance to see her ex hubby one last time and she felt that she should have been there…. but for what?! Why in the world would she feel the need to be there? She wasn’t even married to the man nor has she put a dime up for his funeral (even though she made $10,000 off selling those photos). And wasn’t she the one who decided to pull the plug on him (after only one day) in the first place? SMH…
Ultimately, the courts decided to have the body cremated and the remains will be released once a decision is made on who will be given power over Gary Coleman’s estate: his ex-wife Shannon or hix ex-girlfriend Anna Gray. Anna recently brought forth a will dating back to 2005 that names her the sole heir to Gary’s estate, while Shannon has a 2007 document (alleged “signed” by Coleman) that leaves his estate to her. A judge will have to decide if each of the documents are valid, though we’re willing to bet Shannon’s is a load of CRAP! We don’t know Anna so we can’t judge her, but that Shannon is a piece of work, yo!