Could Lindsay Lohan be on her way to turning her life around? It may seem so right now, but we’re still not going to hold our breath just yet.
At Lindsay Lohan‘s last court date, she was forced to wear a SCRAM bracelet to monitor her alcohol in-take (she is not to consume ANY alcohol), in addition to being forced to submit to random drug testing. And it looks like everything’s working.
Lindsay’s parents Michael and Dina Lohan both agree that she’s doing really well since the court date. Peep what they told reporters as they left New York family court recently:
“She’s on the straight and narrow,” Michael said. “I hope it continues.”
“Lindsay’s been great,” Dina said, adding, “The judge was a little harsh!” in reference to her daughter’s last court date.
But there is one thing Michael’s none too happy about. “She better not do that Linda Lovelace movie,” Lindsay’s dad said, referring to her upcoming turn as the Deep Throat star in the drama Inferno. “Why would any parent want their daughter to do that?”
We’ve gotta agree with Michael Lohan on this one. That movie is probably going to flop and it isn’t the type of movie Lindsay should be doing anyway if she wants to bring back her career (or what’s been left of it). She’s not a bad actress at all and she can do much better than that…