It looks like Christina Aguilera has letten this “Gaga vs. Christina” thing go to her head! In the latest issue of Out Magazine, of which she covers, the seasoned pop singer made a jab at pop newcomer Lady Gaga when asked about her:

Rivalry’s nothing new to Aguilera, who spent her childhood years dominating talent shows in the metropolitan Pittsburgh area and her early adolescence jockeying for position on The Mickey Mouse Club against littermates Britney Spears and Justin Timberlake. Her late teens and 20s passed locked in a dead heat with her former BFF, Britney. But, as it relates to Lady Gaga, one might think comparisons to be especially odious. “Oh, the newcomer?” Aguilera chuckles. “I think she’s really fun to look at.” Nevertheless, Aguilera has come under fire for aping Gaga’s style and the criticisms have irked her. In 2008, when asked by the Los Angeles Times about the comparison, Aguilera denied all knowledge of Gaga’s existence. “I’m a little under a rock where some things are concerned,” she said then and says again now.


Tell ’em how you really feel Christina! Is it just us or does someone sound a little bitter?!?

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