Pop superstar Lady Gaga has responded to a lawsuit a former producer of hers (named Rob Fusari) filed against her last week. Gaga, who goes by Stefani Germanotta when the courts are involved, claims that he broke the law by tricking her into signing an illegal contract. Her lawsuit states that the contract between her and Fusari isn’t legit because Fusari wasn’t a licensed talent agent. Lady Gaga and her lawyers want Fusari’s suit thrown out and they want him to pay damages for trying to take advantage of an “inexperienced performing artist.”

Fusari made Lady Gaga, whose real name is Stefani Germanotta, “enter into an unlawful arrangement” when he made her sign a contract giving him rights to her future earnings, the suit says, calling his actions “predatory and financially abusive.” “The … arrangement was structured in such a way as to mask its true purpose – to provide the defendant unlawful compensation for their services as unlicensed employment agents,” the suit says.

Germanotta and Fusari met in March 2006 when he was looking for a female rocker with “garage band chops,” according to his lawsuit. The producer, who worked with Destiny’s Child on “Bootylicious,” says he persuaded Germanotta to add dance beats to her music and call herself Lady Gaga. Fusari’s lawyer, Robert Meloni, called the claim “ludicrous” when he read the suit. “Rob was no more of an ‘agent’ for her than she is a Roman Catholic nun,” Meloni said.


In related news, popular blogger Perez Hilton says that Lady Gaga is a “bigger pop star than Beyonce!”

“I would say that Gaga is a bigger pop star than Beyoncé right now, just [based on] the sheer statistics. Like, all of Gaga’s singles have gone top of the charts,” said Perez. “Gaga’s tour, selling out. Beyoncé’s last tour did not have a lot of sellouts. And I’m not dissing her or anything. I’m just looking at it statistically.

“I think the ‘Telephone’ video blows away the ‘Video Phone’ video. ‘Telephone’ is such an epic work of art. It’s like a mini movie and there’s so much going on it really lends itself to repeated viewings,” said Perez. “What’s great about it is even though it’s Gaga’s song featuring Beyoncé, they both come across really well in the video and they both work really well together. [There’s] lots of criticism from lots of people but you know what, Gaga doesn’t care. She makes art and music for her fans and her fans love the video.”


While we agree that Lady Gaga is definitely on top of her game and got to that point in such a short amount of time, we can’t agree with her being a “bigger” pop star than Beyonce. Yes, everyone and their mama (and grandma too) knows who Lady Gaga is, but after only 2 albums and 1 world tour, she’s nowhere near Beyonce’s level. Maybe in about 5 – 10 years we can say she’s bigger than Beyonce. But let’s see how far she makes it in this here industry before we start throwing around claims like that, Perez 🙂

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