Lawd, here go Chris Brown mouthing off again. Chris … son. We know you’re mad but sometimes you’ve gotta just let stuff ride, especially when you’ve been given a second chance. Chris recently went in on VIBE Magazine, who recently featured him on the cover of their December 09/January 10 issue (on stands now). Check this out:
“I think with the whole VIBE and the rebirth, I think it is a rebirth of me and showing people the new side of me, the music side, the talent and just the changed person,” Brown told reporter Renada Romain. “I think with the actual VIBE cover, it was never supposed to be talked about like the cover they made. That wasn’t what we discussed — the shirt is actually just a plain black shirt and they stamped ‘R U Still Down’ on it, so the cover was supposed to be the rebirth cover of VIBE and the rebirth of Chris Brown. It was never supposed to be ‘Everybody Hates Chris, Everybody Loves Drake‘ like, the type of thing like that. I kinda felt a certain way when they did it like that and they kinda told me one thing and they got it in writing, one thing, but then they did it another way…I appreciate any cover, I just don’t appreciate them using my situation…”
Source: Honey Magazine
C’mon man just be glad somebody’s putting you on their cover. From this point on you just need to accept things for what they are and charge it to the game. Give people time to vent. Stop taking every opportunity for YOUR time to vent. Geez… LOL.
Continue reading for scans of Chris in the new VIBE…