Kourtney and Khloe Kardashian‘s reality series, titled “Kourtney & Khloe Take Miami,” premieres Sunday August 16th on cable network E! The show, produced by Ryan Seacrest and Bunim-Murray Productions, the team behind E!’s “Keeping UP With the Kardashians,” will follow the 2 youngest Kardashian sisters as they leave Los Angeles behind and take a chance with Miami to launch their second DASH boutiqure store.
Khloe also shows off her independence from being just a “Kardashian” with her embarking on a new career in radio when her late night talk show “Khloe After Dark” hits airwaves on Miami’s Y100 radio station. You also get a little snippet of her locking lips and swapping spit with BET’s Terrence J! (What’s up with that???). Continue reading to peep the preview…