GossipOnThis.com has exclusively been given a new Chris Brown track titled, “Save Me.” During tense times music can have remedies that allow for self-medicating conditions for depression, hopelessness, and despair. This track is amazing for its powerful unbidden tone on the emotional, spiritual and social conscious level. Consciousness consists of a wide continuum of mental states, constantly changing in direction and focus. Music, like mind, is ephemeral, mercurial, and always in motion, often flitting from one insubstantial thought to the next. Sometimes a single phrase can be evocative of a certain mental state.
So, we’ll reference some powerful quotes from Chris Brown’s song: “The light is covered by the clouds and my life is constantly raining” or “Little bodies lying on the ground. It could’ve been your baby.” We are definitely impressed, Chris Brown! This song is reminiscent of the power of lyrics and John Lennon’s era. Well done.