[youtube 9PSPbtyNzow]
If you thought EVERYBODY is happy about Barack Obama being elected president, then you, my friend, are sadly mistaken. Al Qaeda deputy, Ayman al-Zawahri, has released a video tape coldly acknowledging Obama’s win in the November 2008 elections calling him a “house slave”and telling him that “a heavy legacy of failure and crimes awaits” him.
“You have reached the position of president, and a heavy legacy of failure and crimes awaits you. A failure in Iraq to which you have admitted and a failure in Afghanistan to which the commanders of your army have admitted,” the message said. The speaker also said Obama’s plan to pull troops from Iraq and send them to Afghanistan “is a policy which was destined for failure before it was born.”
“If you still want to be stubborn about America’s failure in Afghanistan, then remember the fate of Bush and Pervez Musharraf, and the fate of the Soviets and British before them,” the message said. “And be aware that the dogs of Afghanistan have found the flesh of your soldiers to be delicious, so send thousands after thousands to them.”
The message said Obama appears “to be captive to the same criminal American mentality towards the world and towards the Muslims.” The speaker cited Muslims’ ire toward Obama’s support of Israel. The speaker also said Obama, former and current Secretaries of State Colin Powell and Condoleezza Rice, and “your likes” fit Malcolm X’s description of “house slaves.”