Remember that video of Shaq dissing Kobe a few days ago? Well, turns out Maricopa County of Phoenix, Arizona didn’t find it too funny! Sheriff Joe Arpaio said Shaq used inappropriate racial derogatory statements and foul language, and left him no choice. Sheriff Arpaio said to the Associated Press:
“I want his two badges back,” Arpaio said, “Because if any one of my deputies did something like this, they’re fired. I don’t condone this type of racial conduct.”
Shaquille ‘O Neal claims that he was simply freestyling and he doesn’t have anything against Kobe Bryant or anything. Shaq stated:
“I was freestyling. That’s all. It was all done in fun. Nothing serious whatsoever.”
Well, if you ask me, he shouldn’t have said any of it! Shaq was half-serious when he said everything that came out of his mouth. Someone once said, “He who laughs last has the best laugh.”