Missy Elliott wants you to name her new album … for $500 and album credit

Missy Elliot is giving her fans the opportunity to name her upcoming album, due late spring 2008, via her official site, missy-elliot.com. The contest closes February 20th and the winner will be announced on March 2nd. The winner will receive credit on Missy’s album and a $500 “Respect Me” Adidas gift card.

$500? Shit, at least make it a G lol. I know “Misdemeanor” ain’t that broke! Well, I don’t know … she might be, seeing as she spends at least $1 million on every video she makes. I don’t know if that’s 100% true, but it’s something I heard a while back. Not totally unbelievable since all of her videos have a lot of special effects and ish… And her new video is in 3D, so yeah, it might be true lol.

And what’s with this “album credit?” Unless it’s going to be directly under the title on the front/back/side packaging, then that’s really no prize. Who actually looks in the album credits? No, better yet … who still cops CDs on the regular? Lol.

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