Barack Obama Wins South Carolina!

Sorry I couldn’t get this up sooner. My internet connection has been acting up all weekend…

Not even two weeks ago, if you were to take a poll in South Carolina asking voters in the Democratic party who they would be voting for in the January 26th 2008 primary, HIllary Clinton probably would’ve had slightly more votes than Barack Obama. Over the past two weeks, that has dramatically changed! I don’t know if it was the comments regarding Dr. Martin Luther King Jr., or Bob Johnson showing us that he’s a living, breathing Uncle Ruckus, but something changed the black vote in South Carolina! Over 70% of the African American vote went to Barack Obama! And when it came to the entire state of SC, Senator Obama had well over 50% of the vote! I actually took part in this primary and casted my vote, so the results actually mean something to me. If you haven’t done so already, I’m not asking, I’M TELLING YOU to register to vote! You can’t participate in the primaries, but you’ll definitely be able to participate in the general election this November.

COLUMBIA, S.C. — Senator Barack Obama won a commanding victory over Senator Hillary Rodham Clinton in the South Carolina Democratic primary on Saturday, drawing a wide majority of black support and one-quarter of white voters in a contest that sets the stage for a multistate fight for the party’s presidential nomination. In a bitter campaign here infused with discussions of race, Mr. Obama’s convincing victory puts him on equal footing with Mrs. Clinton — with two wins each in early-voting states — and gives him fresh momentum as the contest plunges into a nationwide battle over the next 10 days.

Former Senator John Edwards, a native of South Carolina who was trying to revive his candidacy, came in third place but vowed to keep his campaign alive, despite failing to win a single state so far. With 99 percent of the electoral precincts reporting, Mr. Obama had 55 percent of the vote, Mrs. Clinton had 27 percent, and Mr. Edwards had 18 percent. [ CLICK HERE FOR MORE! ]

If you haven’t been keeping up with the results of the Democratic primaries, check out the results thus-far after the cut!


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Date: January 3, 2008
Winner: Barack Obama (38% of votes)
2nd Place: John Edwards (30% of votes)
3rd Place: Hillary Clinton (29% of votes)

Date: January 8, 2008
Winner: Hillary Clinton (39% of votes)
2nd Place: Barack Obama (37% of votes)
3rd Place: John Edwards (17% of votes)

**Special Note: Michigan “broke the rules” by moving up the Democratic primary, so there were no delegate votes. In lamens terms, this state DOES NOT COUNT!**
Date: January 15, 2008
Winner: Hillary Clinton (55% of votes)
Uncommitted (40% of votes)

Date: January 19, 2008
Winner: Hillary Clinton (51% of votes)
2nd Place: Barack Obama (45% of votes)
3rd Place: John Edwards (4% of votes)

Date: January 26, 2008
Winner: Barack Obama (55% of votes)
2nd Place: Hillary Clinton (27% of votes)
3rd Place: John Edwards (18% of votes)

This is barely the beginning of the race. More than 20 states will vote or caucus on February 5th, in what they’re calling “Super Tuesday!” The following states will hold either a primary or a caucus on February 5th 2008: Alabama, Alaska, Arizona, Arkansas, California, Colorado, Connecticut, Delaware, Georgia, Idaho, Illinois, Kansas, Massachusetts, Minnesota, Missouri, New Jersey, New Mexico, New York, North Dakota, Oklahoma, Tennessee, and Utah. Based on the number of delegate votes, Hillary Clinton is currently in the lead, but we’ll see how things turn out on Super Tuesday. If you’re a registered voter in one of the previously listed states, we ask that you exercise your rights by going out and voting!

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