… but her yet-to-be adopted children will! Ain’t that a bitch?! It’s been reported that talk-show host, and queen of white women all over, Oprah Winfrey, has left her partner of 21 years, Stedman Graham, out of her will. The media mogul recently drew up the legal document, leaving none of her $2 billion fortune to her Graham in the event of her passing, according to MSNBC and The National Enquirer.
Instead, she has dictated that her money will be donated to several charities and the three daughters she plans to adopt, without the help of best-selling author and motivational speaker Graham. A source says:
“(Adoption) is something she has always wanted to do. There’s no talk of her adopting the children with Stedman — this is something she’s going to do by herself.”
First she calls off the engagement, and now this? Whoever the 3 girls she plans to adopt are, they’re going to be some rich mofos. Stedman better be stashing away some used Kleenexes, or chicken bones, or something so he can get his eBay on!