Tag: Steven Spielberg
Tyler Perry is This Year’s Highest Paid Man in Hollywood with $130 Million in the Bank!
Thanks to the millions and millions of dollars he's made from his films, plays, TV shows, and of course Madea, Tyler Perry has landed...
Chelsea Clinton’s Star-Studded Wedding Guest-list Revealed: Barack Obama, Oprah Winfrey, Steven Spielberg and More
Friends of Chelsea Clinton have said in the past that no celebrities would be invited to her upcoming wedding but it's beginning to look...
Eve, Drew Barrymore, Serena Williams and Steven Spielberg Attend “Whip It!” Movie Premiere
Rapper/actress Eve and actress (now director) Drew Barrymore shared a hug Tuesday evening (Sep 29) at the after party for the premiere of "Whip...
★ Celebrities at the Inauguration (01.20.09): Beyonce, Jay-Z, Oprah, Aretha Franklin and more!
I've been a little detached from the internet over the past couple of weeks due to a few offline obligations and what-not, but...