I’ve come to like Katy Perry, but her performance at the VMAs was NOT it. Or better yet, it wasn’t for everyone — including people like me. She seems like a sweetie pie, but hot damn, it was pretty corny. Like, I get it. You have to “Roar” therefore you’ve got to fight for what it is that you meant, ergo, a boxing ring. Still, no. No. No. No.
I realize that this may not be the most popular opinion in certain circles, but Katy Perry can actually sing. As in, hold a note, sound decent and not sound like she smokes three packs of Newports everyday.
Nonetheless, Katy Perry didn’t bother to do a whole lot of singing. I gather that’s because she was dancing, but I mean, it wasn’t exactly boomkat levels of choreography. To be fair, Katy danced much better than Miley Cyrus. Gold star for you on that, Katy.
But again, I didn’t quite like this though I get the intended audience did. I imagine somewhere in the middle of no where, someone watched Katy Perry do this Saved By The Bell like bit and got their entire lives off of it. So be it. I’m sure that group and those in my pile were brought together during Miley’s performance as we booed and hissed in unison.
P.S. Please don’t curse me out, Katy Cats. As I said, I enjoy her. I just didn’t enjoy this a whole lot. I’m sure if I end up wearing dad jeans in 20 years, I’ll look back and love it.