The fools over at Fox News are always cooking up something ridiculous and this time it was tacos and a super stupid remark.
On Friday’s episode of “Fox & Friends,” Brian Kilmeade was hosting a National Taco Day segment with Elisabeth Hasselbeck and Fox News personality Maria Molina when he asked Molina, “You grew up on tacos, correct?”
Yup, that actually happened. The question is offensive in itself but it gets worse when you consider the fact that Molina is Nicaraguan born and grew up in Florida.
Hasselbeck stepped in to defuse the situation, and when she’s the lesser of two crazies in the room … that’s a problem.
Brian: “What are tips we need to know to do it correctly? You grew up on tacos, correct?”
Elisabeth: You gotta layer it right?
Maria: No I did not grow up on tacos. I’m Nicaraguan. And it’s not a native food.
Brian: Oh…I didn’t know.
Elisabeth: But if you DID…if you DID grow up on tacos…
Dumb shit like this is nothing new for the network but damn, this is pretty embarrassing. Didn’t people learn anything from Mayor Joe Maturo’s “I might have tacos when I go home” fiasco?
[H/T: BuzzFeed]