Dollar Tree is one of the few places in this world where you can go grocery shopping, school shopping and gift shopping IN ONE BUILDING and walk out having spent less than $20, because literally EVERY SINGLE THING IN THERE IS $1 DOLLAR.
But regardless of how much money people spend in a store, they expect pristine customer service, or at the very least, to not have to cuss a bitch our for being a racist with poor customer service.
We have no idea of the origins of this video clip, but it was uploaded in 2011 and the woman doing the cursing (who identifies herself as “LACHELLEEEEE, BITCH!”) appears to be pissed off because the cashier wouldn’t check her out because she’s black.
It’s one thing to be a sucky cashier, but don’t you dare be a racist too. “LACHELLEEEEE, BITCH!” ain’t having it.
[HT: Fresh]