Rihanna is one of those unconventional beauties who can pretty much do or wear anything and still maintain their sexy.
But this “Joe Dirt” mullet she’s decided to rock is the exception to that rule.
Rihanna unveiled the new look over the weekend during New York Fashion Week. She dubs this new look “ghetto goth,” but I say it’s more like “white trash meets ratchet.”
She sported the “business in the front, party in the back” hair do while kicking it with her gal pal Nicki Minaj and fashion designer Alexander Wang too.
As if that tragic possum on her head wasn’t hideous enough, take a gander at this thrift shop red jump suit RiRi snatched out of somebody’s grandma’s closet.
Nope. Return to sender please. This whole ghetto goth thing Rihanna is trying to shove down our throats is more off than that gap between Miley Cyrus’ buttcheeks at the VMAs.