When Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. spoke about having a dream of a future “where little black boys and black girls will be able to join hands with little white boys and white girls,” I’m pretty sure he didn’t foresee Kimye.
Because if he did, he might’ve thought twice about that whole integration thing.
I’m just sayin’!
So Kanye West‘s better half, Kim Kardashian, hit up the “Kelly and Michael” show to talk about … whatever the hell she does for a living.

While on the show, Kim insisted that although there are plenty of candid pics showing her looking like Monstro the Whale, she’s done well as far as weight gain with her pregnancy.
“I’ve gained 20 pounds, at this stage Kourtney had already gained like 30,” Kim told Michael Strahan and his guest co-host Kristin Chenoweth, reports Hollywood Life.
Well, damn! Way to throw your sister under the bus as you attempt to defend yourself, Kim.
But weight gain isn’t all that’s on Kim’s mind when it comes to her unborn spawn with Kanye. She also thinks, somehow, that her little mixed baby won’t be considered black and will ignore color. Necole Bitchie has the transcript:
I have a lot of friends who are of all different nationalities and their children are bi-racial so they’ve talked to me a little bit about it and what to expect. The most important thing is, the way I want to raise my children is to not see color.
Right. Because getting pregnant by a man who drops the N-word like folks drop periods in sentences, and who makes it a point to reference white people in an unflattering light in several of his songs, is really going to help with that goal.
Who the hell does Kim think she’s sleeping with? Cuba Gooding Jr.? GTFOH.