Actress Jennifer Aniston has filed for a restraining order against a man who was recently arrested for creeping around her Hollywood Hills home with a sharp object and duct tape. According to documents obtained by TMZ, Jason Peyton was found on July 15, “laying-in-wait in a location he believes she frequents with a ‘sharp object, a bag, a roll of duct tape and written messages about [Aniston].”

In the documents, Aniston’s lawyer also states that the alleged stalker spent a total of 8 days trying to find Jenny and once taken into custody by police, carved messages saying: “I LOVE JENNIFER ANISTON” were found etched into the paint of his vehicle (see below).

Since his arrest, Peyton has been placed on a 5150 psychiatric hold, and with the restraining order in place, must stay 100 yards away from Jennifer’s home, places of work and vehicles.

He must also stay away from her employees, agents, managers and other reps. According to sources, Peyton has been known for very violent behavior and has even stabbed himself and hit his mother with a golf club in the past. What’s funny about the whole situation is that his mother is the one who informed cops about her stalker son’s rampage.

Guess that’s good payback for him! Glad to know that creepy perv is being dealt with though!

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