We’re just a tad bit shocked to see that the calm and private Tiger Woods actually did a shoot for Vanity Fair in which he’s showing off his muscles in a way that’s never been seen before. Up until now, no photos from this shoot have been released. But we guess Vanity Fair felt that the time was right to feature Mr. Woods on the cover of their upcoming February 2010 issue to grasp some of the high flyin’ publicity surrounding Tiger Woods and his wild creepin’ with a continuously growing list of women. Check out a snippet of the article spread:
When Tiger Woods finally fell from his pedestal—the car crash, the angry wife, the tales of kinky extramarital sex, the link to a controversial sports doctor—it was one of the greatest recorded drops in popularity of any nonpolitical figure. Given Woods’s impenetrable mask of perfection, and the hints of trouble from one strange glimpse behind it, the revelations were inevitable and very, very costly. Annie Leibovitz catches the icon, pre-scandal, in prophetic isolation, while the author finds the clues in the wreckage.
We wouldn’t be surprised if this issue becomes Vanity Fair’s biggest selling issue ever! It’s kind of funny seeing Tiger rockin’ a beanie looking like the “cool brotha” that he isn’t. LOL