“Terrorist leader” Ayman Abu Aita is furious over his portrayal in Sacha Baron Cohen’s new film Bruno. The Palestinian, who reportedly was involved with the Al Aqsa Martyrs Brigade, is claiming that the film mislabels him and that Cohen conducted the interview under false pretenses. In fact, Aita holds on to claims that he is no longer involved with the organization and hasn’t been for years.
Aita, who is labeled in the movie as “terrorist group leader”, claims he was shocked when he learned that the film is about a homosexual character and contains scenes of graphic homosexual sex and full frontal male nudity. Cohen also stated last week on Letterman that Aita may have been carrying a weapon during the interview, a claim that Ayman Abu Aita disagrees with. He states that Cohen told him the film was going to help the Palestinian cause. He is threatening legal action.
Meanwhile, Bruno opened at #1 this weekend, pulling in over $30 million!