Cassie's new "halfway bald" hair-do

Get a load of Cassie‘s new look. She revealed her new halfway bald ‘do on Twitter late Friday afternoon after putting her followers on full suspense mode with “sneak tweets” about needing a change in her life.

#Sometimes in life, you need a change.

#Something deeper than what you thought you were capable of.

#Something that displays the “I don’t give a fuck” attitude that was always present, but never showcased.

#…& something that will shock your mother, but make her call you a ROCK STAR….


Who would’ve thought she’d go as far as to shave half of her damn head! Not us … and we don’t like it. At all. Cassie’s a bad chick, don’t get us wrong … but her new look makes her look like a prepubescent male. And we dare you to disagree. We just hope she can actually move some units when her album goes on sale. That IS why she cut her hair like that, isn’t it? More pics when you continue reading.

Cassie\'s new \"halfway bald\" hair-do Cassie\'s new "halfway bald" hair-do

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