Not only is he a triple threat in real life, but actor/singer/comedian Jamie Foxx is a triple threat on the cover of the April/May 2009 triple issue of Uptown Magazine. The issue, which hit stands Tuesday April 7th, talks about what drives Jamie’s ongoing success.
“Jamie Foxx is a powerful entertainer who doesn’t get all the credit he deserves as a musician, comedian and actor. Not since Sammy Davis, Jr. has there been a force that can flourish in all three mediums,” said Brett Wright, Uptown’s Co-Founder and Chief Creative Officer. “His selection of film work and musical gifts are sure to leave a mark on Hollywood and entertainment.”
We think Jamie is one of the few celebrities who actually has had successful crossovers in his career. He’s funny as hell as a comedian, a damn good actor and can sing/write his @ss off. Keep stackin’ that paper, Jamie! Peep the other two covers when you continue reading.