Seriously?!? Again????
It appears that another big celebrity may have gotten himself into a cheating scandal!! Today Star Magazine released a story reporting that Al Gore and his wife Tipper split up over a two year relationship between the former presidential candidate and “Seinfield” producer Larry David‘s ex-wife Laurie David. The couple recently decided to call it quits after being married for 40 years. However Laurie’s rep Dorian Karchmar has other words to say about the matter and has dismissed all reports:
“This report is completely, patently false. I have no idea where it started from or why, but it is absolutely, positively and patently untrue.”
Laurie also spoke out on the allegations:
“I adore both Al and Tipper. I look at them both as family. And I have happily been in a serious relationship since my divorce.”
We don’t know how true the allegations are…but it sure wouldn’t surprise us if so!