[youtube 1mJ5Fvqlvwg]
Boy, times sure does fly when you’re having fun making fun of people rotting away in jail. In a way I’m glad this broad is out of jail. Now people can go back to their normal lives. I was getting tired of turning to major news networks like CNN and NBC only to see them talking about how many times Paris farted in her “cold, lonely” cell. Now people can move on … or will they?
Anyhow, ring the alarm, Paris Hilton is free! She was released shortly after midnight (Cali time of course) and her folks waited for her outside in their SUV for about an hour before she joined them to return home. TMZ is reporting that “Law enforcement sources said that Paris has lost nearly 10 pounds during her stay and that on her way out of jail, she stopped to change clothes in a public restroom that ‘smells rancid.'” How awful! But no matter what, I will NEVER forget that photo of her punk ass crying when she was ordered back to jail after being released on house arrest!!