No one embodies fabulosity better than Kimora Lee Simmons so when the recent pictures hit the net of her looking incredibly sleek and slender we all wanted to know what trick she had up her sleeves to pull it off.
When talking with Rob Shuter form, Simmons dished her eating secrets. She shockingly said of how she shed the pounds:
“I have shed the fat by not eating. But I don’t like to tell the kids that so they think they shouldn’t eat. No, I watch my portions, and I eat leaner proteins and vegetables and stuff like that.”
So what kind of eating regime does she follow on any given today?:
“So I woke up this morning and ordered breakfast at 4 AM. I had egg whites scrambled, spinach, turkey bacon and a glass of orange juice. The reason I had such a big breakfast is because I hadn’t eaten in two days. I’ve had fruit, I’ve had a smoothie, I’ve had a protein bar, but it’s not like I’ve had Doritos.”
Kimora went on to reveal to Shuter what happened on a night out when she relocated to LA:
“I was out one night with two famous sisters” — Kimora asked that I not reveal the identity of the young reality stars — “when a bunch of burgers were being passed around. I went to grab one and the two of them looked shocked. They said, ‘We don’t eat.’ Then after I grabbed a burger, they said they were joking but I knew they weren’t!”
Sounds like moving to L.A. has taken its toll on out Kimmy!