Snooki wants to drop a few pounds…
In a recent interview with E! Online, the “Jersey Shore” star revealed that her number one resolution is to lose weight this year……even if it requires her to stop drinking as much.
Check out the details below:
“My number one [resolution] is definitely to keep up with my training and keep losing weight and getting toned. I try to eat healthy. I just have to quit the drinking so much. If I do drink, it’s going to be, like vodka and seltzer…maybe like two or three.” (Source)
She also spoke on how so far she has lost five pounds, thanks to her trainer.
“He kicks my ass all the time and I love it! And when I’m on the road, I go to the hotel gyms and stuff like that. [I have lost] pounds in the last three or four weeks. I want to be where I used to be. I posted a bikini picture of me [on Twitter] and I was ripped. Ripped!”
Right. Let’s see how long this lasts…