NeNe Leakes, one of the stars of BRAVO‘s hit series, The Real Housewives of Atlanta has been reportedly kicked out of her 5-bedroom home . She and her husband, Greg, reportedly owed $6,240 in back rent to Winwood Properties.
The home was purchased for $829,400 in September 2006 and is owned by Kajani Shenaz Ali, who lives overseas. The Leakeses moved in shortly after it was built and have remained there since. NeNe, 41, did little to quell the controversy in a series of testy emails to The Atlanta Journal-Constitution, refusing to disclose where she is living now.
“It’s none of your business,” she snapped in one communiqué, insisting that she and her husband are “financial able [sic] and stable to live where ever we feel fits.” She was also quick to point out that the eviction notice didn’t have her name on it, adding cryptically, “you don’t know my relationship with Greg so be careful what you report!”
Wait, so they didn’t really own the house they lived in? So it was a front, the whole time … wow.