Producers of Fox’s animated series “Family Guy” will create a new spinoff series centered on Cleveland Brown, the slow-talking, accident-prone neighbor of main character Peter Griffin. Tentatively titled “Cleveland,” the new show will revolve around the Brown family, with “Family Guy” writer-producer Mike Henry continuing to voice the Cleveland character, according to the Hollywood Reporter. The most level-headed of Peter’s friends, Cleveland is a 40-something deli owner who was previously married to Loretta Brown, whom he divorced in season four after discovering she was having an affair with one of his friends.
A Wikipedia entry notes: “Cleveland displays a political and cultural interest in promoting his fellow African Americans. While Cleveland’s race seldom causes conflicts with his entirely white neighbors, and while he serves as President of the local Chamber of Commerce, he remains subject to different treatment by the local police.An example was seen in the episode “Stuck Together, Torn Apart,” where the machinery in a police car labels him as a minority suspect. Another episode, titled “Blind Ambition,” showed Cleveland disagreeing with policeman neighbor Joe Swanson on how black strangers should be viewed in white neighborhoods (all in a symbolic, friendly discussion about a black bowling ball amidst white bowling pins).
“Cleveland” will be produced by “Family Guy” creator Seth MacFarlane, former “Simpsons” writer and “American Dad” executive producer Rich Appel and “Family Guy” writer-producer Henry – who will also pen the series. There’s no word on when “Cleveland” is scheduled to debut.