FANNY-TASIA HAS A PIERCING “DOWN THERE” » Ms. Ceelie, also known as Fantasia, now starring in “The Color Purple” on Broadway, used some down time Thursday at New York’s Unimax, a tattoo- and piercing-supply company, where she had the jewelry in her clitoral piercing changed. She even tipped $10 for the free service and was very friendly to staff, a spy reports. Uhm … okay? But doesn’t she just look so innocent in that pic above!! Looks can be deceiving, huh.
RIHANNA NEEDS THAT TAIL WHOOPED! » Not sure if this is true or not, but word on the streets is that Rihanna, and her entourage of makeup assistants, wardrobe assistants, and security completely trashed a television green room stocked with fruit and snacks during a recent satellite appearance. They apparantly threw banana and orange peels on the floor and tables, and left candy wrappers and water bottles everywhere. Soda was also spilled. Black hair extensions, soiled tissues and papers were also reportedly tossed on the floor. Home girl needs to sit her crazy ass down and chill the hell out!