I don’t know the whole story behind this, so I don’t feel obligated to pick sides. But from what I can gather from this voicemail message left by actor Alec Baldwin to his 11 or 12 year old daughter (he doesn’t even know how old the kid is lol), I hear pain from a loving father. Apparantly, since his divorce with Kim Basinger, Alec has been having problems with his daugher. He purchased her a cell phone so that they can stay in touch, and he schedules certain times for phone calls and what-not. The problem is that the little girl either doesn’t answer the phone, or turns it off at the scheduled times (damn that’s some messed up shit!), and this last time on Thursday, the 19th, was the LAST STRAW for Alec, so he left her a voicemail where he proceeded to lash out at the girl and her actress mom, Kim Basinger, calling them “selfish” and calling the kid “a rude little pig.” Now, I can understand his anger … but calling the kid a “little pig” is kind of over the top, but I can see where he’s coming from. I honestly don’t see anything wrong with what he said. This sounds like a normal “father to daughter” conversation to me. It ain’t that damn serious. I just think that it’s messed up that Kim would leak this to the media and allow that kind of attention to be brought upon her daughter … she’ll never be able to live this down. Check out the uncensored message below!
[audio:0419_baldwin.mp3]Alec Baldwin is One Angry Motha….
Dustin Gary