Marc Anthony is a cardholding member of the “I’m rich bitch, and I don’t think I should pay my taxes like everybody else because I’m a celebrity and I can do that” club! Supposedly ol’ dude hasn’t paid taxes for four years in a row and owes Uncle Sam $2.5 million in back taxes and fines. And he has to pay them back by June 1 … OR ELSE!
Manhattan District Attorney Robert Morgenthau says the New York-born singer was not charged because he relied on his accountant to file his tax returns. Jennifer Lopez, who married Anthony in 2004, was not a subject of the investigation. Anthony’s manager and brother, Bigram Zayes, and Philip Sarna, the business manager and accountant for Anthony and his three companies, also failed to pay their personal city, state and federal income taxes. Those companies, which handle Anthony’s tours, the publication of his music and lyrics and his management, collect income which is then turned over to Anthony. Both men will be sentenced in June.
What is it with these celebrities not paying their taxes? Do they feel that they should be exempt? I know he had an accountant filing for him, but that’s the kind of thing you should check up on .. at least every once in a while. He ain’t got nothin else better to do anyway, lol.