Ms. Fantasia Barrino is settin the record straight for you hoes who said she couldn’t read! She’s “da bomb now, babe!” I mean, how else could she read those Color of Purple scripts? This is what she had to say:
“I dropped out of school in the ninth grade, and when I said I had trouble reading, they took it that I couldn’t read at all,” she says. “I knew the basics, but some words that were unfamiliar, I couldn’t figure them out…But I’m da bomb now, babe!”
LOL yeah right! I love ya to death ‘tasia, but no one learns how to read and be “da bomb now, babe” in less than 2 years, no one! Just for fun, let’s put a little “spin” on her *clears throat* quote up above… Please don’t take this the wrong way!
druppeddropped out of skool in the 9th grade n wen I sed I hadded troublez readin, them took it dat I cudn’tredread at all. I knowed the basicks, butt sum of dem words that wuzunfamil..un-fam-il … dammit I cudn’t undastand ’em! …But I’m da bomb now, babe!”
Please don’t hate me for this… =(