According to our boy FreddyO, Frankie just “found” 2 more of her children last week. We’re not entirely sure how you “lose” and “find” your own children, but with Frankie, this is a regular thing. Anyway, she was already a little emotional, so when she spoke to press on the red carpet of the BET Hip Hop Awards Saturday (Oct 10) in Atlanta, she got a little emotional when the subject turned to her daughter Keyshia Cole:
“She’s been taking care of me since [inaudible] don’t get it twisted. Matter of fact, she’s the reason why I got my esteem back and my hope. When I got out of prison, if it wasn’t for her, I would not be walking the red carpet. Shout out to God. My baby gave me so much encouragement, no matter how I look. ‘Mama you are beautiful. Mama you are fine.'”
Aww, how sweet! No comment on those platinum fronts though, we’re just glad we haven’t heard anything about Frankie wildin’ out at any of the weekend’s festivities. She hosted her own red carpet segment too, and we all know how that could have went!