What Up Think2wice readers!!! My name is Terrell Johnson, and I’m now officially a part of the T2W family. I’m from Chicago and I’m currently a high school student, but I plan to attend Columbia College in Downtown Chicago in 2009. I plan on majoring in Journalism and Graphic Design. One of my favorite hobbies is to surf the internet to find news on what’s going on in the entertainment world.
I will be the Sports Editor for Think2wice. The main sport you’ll probably see on Think2wice from me is basketball because it’s my personal favorite sport. I love music, fashion apparel, and everything this site has to offer, so there will be posts from me pertaining to those topics as well. I plan to give you the latest sports recaps, upcoming news, scores on all the latest games and even random sports posts every now and again.
Any good tips, stories, or games, you’d like to see on Think2wice? Email me at Terrell@Think2wice.org.