This week on Bravo’s Make Me A Supermodel it turned out Katy was one of the three models, including Frankie and Ronnie, that was sent home; I guess she was too much of a ‘Girl Next Door’ for everyone. I fear Ronnie may be getting sent home soon for being too ‘All-American Boy’, like the judges say, landing him in the bottom three once again this week. Honestly, I’d rather Ronnie go home, he will get booked regardless if he stays or goes, plus I think the show is mocking him ridiculously. I’m really starting to like Frankie now, aside from him being from Miami, I find him genuinely nice with lots of personality, so I wouldn’t want him to go home either. Stephannie is blah to me. Anyway on this episode – episode 6 – ‘Versatility Test’ the models all had to try their fair share in versatility, with modeling and acting, see more pics after the cut as well as an extended clip of last night’s episode in case some of you may have missed it.
[dailymotion x4dquv]
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