[youtube IVZyQL4kOZc]

Chris Brown answers a few questions from his loyal fans! Here are the highlights: in part one of the interview Chris talks about what’s on the horizon, how he hopes to continue his career in music etc. He also mentions receiving a surprising phone call from his favorite idol during the filming of Sweet Eighteen. Part two, Chris talks about the “single” life, his tattoos, his type of women (“I don’t like bimbos!”) and some of the artists he would like to work with. He drops a couple of my favs like Beyoncé, Michael Jackson and Fall Out Boy! He also elaborates a little on his erhm … college plans? University of Jive Records, Chris! Finally, in part three more fan questions about what he got during his party; a Lamborghini, Corvette, Rang Rover and Expedition … he also says he purchased a house in Virginia – daaaaaag, excuuuuuse me! Now for the part I know ya’ll ladies want to know, “do you prefer French kissing or peck?” It’s really funny! Oh and towards the end he gives a sneak peak to his second single! “Take You Down”? The lyrics are a little explicit no doubt about that, the single is really good, I’m a little worried for his younger fans though.

[youtube cOrLYD_no_4]

[youtube J169YgI928I]

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