[youtube s7uXvqfQvNI]

TRANSFORMERS » WEBSITE » OMFG I want to see this movie so bad I think I’m gonna cry here! In the film a war re-erupts on Earth between two robotic clans, the heroic Autobots and the evil Decepticons, leaving the fate of mankind hanging in the balance and it’s up to high-school student by the name of Sam Witwicky to help stop the Decepticons and save the world – war, destruction, and explosions… just the way I like ’em! The movie stars Shia LaBeouf, you know the brother on Even Stevens, Tyrese Gibson and Anthony Anderson are also in this Sci-Fi Adventure. The movie was directed by Michael Bay and hits theaters July 3rd – I cannot wait!

[youtube JHKwoE9xMnk]

HAIRSPRAY » WEBSITE » Y’know I absolutely love inspirational musical films that bring you to life like this one, more so because it’s based on the late 80s written screenplay by John Waters – I love written screenplays turned movies (especially musicals) like Dream Girls. Hairspray is another good one I’m looking forward to which stars John Travolta, Michelle Pfeiffer, Queen Latifah, Amanda Bynes and a whole lot others! Now I always find the original films better but after seeing the preview and finding out that Adam Shankman was directing it I’m starting to over zeal and now I can’t wait for July 20th to come already! By the way Think2wice.org is sponsoring a FREE contest you might wanna CHECK THAT OUT!

[youtube wE-ooqn_Gbw ]

I KNOW WHO KILLED ME » WEBSITE » This shit is both scary and confusing and I love it! Watch the official movie trailer above… An idyllic small town is rocked when Aubrey Fleming (Lindsay Lohan), a bright and promising young woman, is abducted and tortured by a sadistic serial killer. When she manages to escape, the traumatized girl who regains consciousness in the hospital insists that she is not who they think she is and that the real Aubrey Fleming is still in mortal danger. Opens in theaters July 27th; directed by Chris Sivertson.

[youtube nG5kt7yNLO8]

RUSH HOUR 3 » WEBSITE » About damn time! Chris Tucker and Jackie Chan are back for the third installment of Rush Hour, in the Action-Comedy directed by Brett Ratner, agents Carter and Lee inadvertently get mixed up with the Chinese Triad crew while in Paris, France. You can watch the official trailer above. The filming was definitely a long process, we can all say, but it was indeed worth it in the end. Rush Hour 3 is set to premiere August 10th in movie theaters everywhere, let’s hope this one beats the others!


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