Ain’t karma a bitch? There’s a new rumor out and it involves Foxy Brown getting the beat-down … hey, that rhymes! Allegedly, Foxy’s ex boyfriend called on some of his hoes to beat the piss out of Foxy. They even pulled out her hearing aid and tore out her weave! Homegirl didn’t even hear them coming, ain’t that ’bout a bitch?? Oh, and get this … dude was a PIMP! And that’s why she broke it off with him. Anyhow, they jumped on her, beat her ass, stole her purse, and ran off with her life savings of $500 to do only God knows what else! Check out NY Daily News for more on this “breaking story!” Oh, and if you’re still debating on whether or not you think Foxy deserved this, check out THIS link!