I like it, “Comeback,” a nice little club joint with a heavy base, some electric keys I hear; produced by Scott Storch. Well, yet again– Kelly Rowland’s album postponed! That thing’s been pushed back and has had more changes to it than [insert joke here]. Everything is just a little disorganized and confusing, the album is now set to release July 3rd instead of from it’s originally date, which was June 26th. Rumors are her management was afraid of releasing the album during 50 Cent’s release and didn’t want to compete. Oh please! And now, she will have to compete with T.I. Hopefully during the time before the release Kelly’s management came get themselves together and promote her correctly cause, I’m so serious when I say this, some of friends don’t even hardly know who she is or just “that girl from Destiny’s Child.” Anyway, I also snagged a few more promo pictures for Ms. Kelly Click Here!
Kelly Rowland » “Comeback” » LISTEN » MIRROR » (Full)
Kelly Rowland » “Every Thought Is You” » LISTEN » MIRROR » (Full)