Former Spice Girl Melanie Brown has named her new daughter Angel Iris Murphy Brown, PEOPLE has confirmed. The child, born on April 3, is named in part after Eddie Murphy, whom Brown, 31, says is the baby’s father. Murphy, 46, has said he wants a paternity test. “Melanie spent a while deciding on the baby’s name,” a friend of the singer tells PEOPLE. “It was inspired by a number of things.” On Tuesday, Brown, who lives in Los Angeles, explained the name in a brief statement released through her London reps. “Angel, as she was my little angel through my pregnancy,” she said. “Iris, as it’s my grandma’s name, Murphy because he’s the dad and Brown because I’m the mum!” Angel Iris is the second child for the former Scary Spice. She has an 8-year-old daughter, Phoenix Chi, with her ex-husband, dancer Jimmy Gulzar. In March, Murphy’s new girlfriend, film producer Tracey Edmonds, told Chicago’s Power 92 radio station of Murphy: “There’ll be a paternity test and if it’s his then he’ll be responsible.”
This girl don’t play no games! First she had the baby on ol’ dude’s birthday, and now she’s given her his last name!! There’s no doubt in my mind that Eddie is the father of this child, and he’s being really dumb about the situation by paying for a paternity test when he damn well knows what the results are gonna be. If it was Johnny Gill instead of Mel B, you think he would be putting up this much of a fight?? No siree, Bob!