Adios Sangina! America Is Going to Miss You…

Yeah, I’m late as hell with this, so what … shoot me. School’s been kickin my arse! Anyhow, America’s favorite Indian-American (yes, I’m being politically correct here) Sanjaya Malakar was finally voted off of that God-awful American Idol show, surprising everyone .. but me! Hell, I knew it was gonna happen sooner or later. Those people at the Indian Call Centers couldn’t skip out on accepting my Windows Vista support queries because they were “too busy voting for Sanjy” for much longer, or I was gonna have to end up  a class action! But that’s beside the point. Check out this funny video of him crying like a little bitch after he found out he was eliminated from the now tainted singing contest below, and after the cut, you can check out a special photo collection I made to commemorate his many hairdos … because out of all things, that is the ONE thing I’m going to miss … anticipating what he is gonna come up with next. R.I.P. Sanjaya’s Hair…

[youtube haC0Tia6MQo]

Hairdo #1 Hairdo #2 Hairdo #3 Hairdo #4

Hairdo #5 Hairdo #6 Hairdo #7 Hairdo #8

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