The Style Network has announced a new reality show that will follow the life of Kimora Lee Simmons, wife of mogul Russell Simmons and head of the Baby Phat fashion line, a sister company to Phat Farm.
“Kimora Lee Simmons is simply a fascinating woman,” said Salaam Coleman Smith, Executive Vice President, The Style Network, in a statement. “She is refreshingly blunt, absolutely honest and outrageously entertaining. This series is going to open a lot of women’s eyes to the possibilities life has to offer, and all of us at Style are happy to be working with such an inspirational woman.”
The series will give viewers an inside look at Kimora’s personal life, as she takes care of her two daughters, while also showing viewers what happens behind the scenes at Baby Phat. The show, tentatively titled Kimora, will debut this summer on the Style Network.
I don’t know about y’all, but I know I’ll definitely be watching this. In my opinion, Kimora Lee Simmons is one of the sexiest Asians I’ve ever seen! Real talk! And you have to admit, that Simmons family stay on their grind.