OK, now I’m pretty sure that everyone has, at some point, wanted to “Slap” or beat the shit out of a person, we’ll Luda makes that perfectly clear in his new single, appropriately titled (on my end at less), “Slap” from his fifth studio album Release Therapy, which I hear is actually pretty good. I need to go get my Therapy on and purchase a copy from my local record store, I might even contribute a small review of the album, why not? I am really feeling this joint with its extraterrestrial like melody and grungy strings, Ludacris is so known for murking up similar records like this, which makes the record in its entirety unique. Again this is also a joint you can relate to, I know I can! I mean the contrast with this, the tempo of Luda’s voice with the crazy sound, beat and guitar, it really speaks out like whoa! And the lyrics aren’t to far stray neither… I feel him man, on everything, this is coming from a personal perspective. Real talk.
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