It’s been a while since you guys have heard from me hasn’t it? I would like to sincerely apologize for neglecting this site this past month. I have been through a lot through the month of February, and this site ended up being put on the backburner for a hot minute. But I just wanted to step in and let you guys know that yes, I am still alive! Lol. I know we missed a lot of celebrity gossip this month, from Usher Getting Engaged, to Britney Chopping Her Locks, and from Tim Hardaway Bashing Gays and erhm, “Showing His Ass,” to Foxy Brown Getting Arrested! Man, famous people are crazy as hell! LOL. Anyhow, I’m sure you guys were able to keep up with everything with the great sites listed on the left.
With all of that said, Think2wice will officially return in MARCH! I might post a few things between now and then, but then again, I might not. I’m not making any promises, but please know that the Think2wice you all know and love will be back in full effect on March 1st!! Thanks for sticking with us through all of this; Mike and I really appreciate it…