SANDRA ROSE recently had the chance to speak with Sarah Chapman, the mother of Diddy’s first daughter, who turned one a couple of months ago. So that makes baby number 5, right? Correct me if I’m wrong. Home boy has too many damn kids to not be married or in some sort of serious relationship. Mama combs must be proud =) Click the link above to check out the exclusive interview in its entirety.
If you need to be caught up to speed on what’s going on between Sarah and Kim Porter, visit THIS LINK. Kim apparently had some stuff to say about Sarah, calling her the “other woman.” Last time I checked, for the past few years Kim Porter hasn’t been anything more than the “other woman” herself, lol. Ho sit down…
Oh yeah, one more thing … Diddy sure does know how to pick ’em! This one’s a looker! Too bad all he does is use them and abuse them.